August 7, 1991
I had cause to travel on Route 22 from Murrysville to Delmont on Monday morning and saw numerous bags of trash beside the road. It looked like a residential street the morning of garbage day, except no one (well, only a few) lives on that road. The bags were clustered in groups of two, three, four, one group of about eight and of course a few scattered single bags. I counted some 75 bags plus an assortment of other things like a piece of 2×4 and other scraps of wood, one muffler, one tire with wheel. I’m sure there were more bags I didn’t count since I tried to count and maintain my speed on the road.
It occurred to me as I drove this two mile stretch (from the Harrison City-Export Road to the Gulf bulk tanks) that we are a sloppy bunch. I know that I didn’t contribute to this collection and I’m sure you didn’t, but collectively we did. I guess we’ll have to blame it on the out-of-area motorists.
If you haven’t noticed the new signs – The Meehan and Ventura families have adopted this portion of Route 22 as part of the Clean Highway Campaign. Thank you Meehan and Ventura Families, I appreciated your time and effort.
Sorry to say that I saw what appeared to be a wrapper from a fast food store taking its place for your next collection.
Even with this section, plus the sections adopted by Hoss’s Restaurant and Murrysville Kiwanis there is still plenty of highway for the rest of us to adopt.