March 5, 1997
In the beginning of this column in the early 1980’s, there were two contributing authors, Georgia Lee Cooper Boring and Charlene Cooper Word, the two daughters of the paper’s founder.
As one can see from the last names, Boring and Word, the name of the column seemed natural.
Each week, one of these authors enlightened our readers about one thing or another happening in their life. As time went on (and became a scarce commodity) the column was seen less often.
As we began rummaging through the old papers during our 50th year, the idea of reviving the column came about. These hopes were strengthened by two facts: 1) there are now additional members of the family who could contribute a column, and 2) we have a stock pile of past columns that, surprising to some and not to others, are still relevant.
With this new pool of authors, it may have become confusing to some of our readers who is who simply by the initials at the end. Allow me to introduce the newest starting line-up, and their relation to Charles K. Cooper, founder of the Penn-Franklin 50 years ago.
GCB – Georgia Lee Cooper Boring, daughter.
CCW – Charlene Cooper Word, daughter.
WVB – Wade Boring, son-in-law.
CGB – Charles (Chip) Boring, grandson and namesake.
CEB, now CEBC – Charlene (Beth) Boring, now Casebolt, granddaughter.
While we’re not expecting to make any trades (anyone want a brother, cheap?), we do have a number of rookies in our minor leagues (Namely two more granddaughters, another grandson and two great-grandchildren, at present count). We’ll introduce them when their initials make their debut.