11-18-2024 Classified Ads

FOR SALE – Birds of America, John James Audubon, 1941 printing, covers faded, beautiful 9×12” lithographs inside, $5
724-972-2989 F11/18-11/25

FOR SALE – Skil 10” benchtop table saw #3315-01 plus cabinet, $65
724-433-7611 F11/18-11/25

FOR SALE – 55” Sony LED Smart TV, sound bar included plus extended warranty, $600
724-327-8675 F11/18-11/25

FOR SALE – Large amount card making rubber stamps, some stamping supplies, take some or all, make offer
724-468-3740 F11/18-11/25

FOR SALE – Glass & crystal, etches, cut, plain; stemware, bowls, antique bottles; very reasonable prices, gift ideas
724-972-2989 F11/11-11/18

FOR SALE – Ford 1310 tractor, $4k or bo; chains, plow, rake, 6’ woods mower, garage kept, runs great
724-396-5777 F11/11-11/18

FOR SALE – Cherry bedroom set with full poster bed on wheels, 2 dressers, mirror night stand, $250
724-396-4433 F11/11-11/18

FOR SALE – Scotts 10” elec pole saw, never used, chain oil included, $60
412-554-2836 F11/11-11/18

FOR SALE – Bose radio, hardly used, like new, asking $100 obo
724-327-1694 F11/11-11/18

FOR SALE – Whirlpool tub, never taken out of box, RH drain, bone color, will accept any reasonable offer
724-433-3707 F11/11-11/18

FOR SALE – Trains & accessories pkg, Lionel Marx American Flyer Tyco Ho Hornsby Railways Plasticville transformers, switches, track; cash $1500
412-716-3750 F11/11-11/18

FOR SALE – Lucid advanced adjustable bed base, twin XL, new in box, $350
724-832-0365 P11/11-11/18

FOR SALE – Elec stand up recliner chair, hardly used, new $600, sell for $150; 2006 Toyota Rav 4×4, $5,000; bedroom suite, $100; Suzuki elec keyboard, $50
412-874-1341 P11/11-11/18

FOR RENT – Level Green 2 bdrm, 1 bath, garage, covered patio, appliances, no pets, no smoking, $950/mo, sec dep
412-856-4162 P10/28-12/16

FOR RENT – 3 BR duplex, Salem Twp, $600 plus sec dep, no pets
724-610-1915 P11/18-12/9

FOR RENT – 2 bedrm duplex, Salem Twp, stove, AC, laundry hoodups, $650 plus sec dep, no pets
724-610-1915 P11/18-12/9

WANTED – We buy trains, Lionel, MTH, Atlas, LGB, most brands & gauges, top prices, ready funds
724-327-6468 P8/26-12/30

WANTED – Old appliances, lawn tractors, mowers, scrap metals, water heaters, exercise equipment, etc, will pick up
724-325-3626 P9/23-3/3/25

WANTED – Older Corvette (prefer 1967 or older) or other classic car/truck, private cash buyer
814-643-2873 P10/21-12/30

WANTED – Local antique postcards, Export, Delmont, Murrysville, Greensburg, any Western Pennsylvania, paying cash, please lv msg, thanks
724-668-7179 F11/11-11/18

CLEANING BY Shelia, call for cleaning for that personal touch, free estimates, 30 years experience, references available
724-672-6925 P10/28-11/18

JOHN HUGHES home improvement, carpentry, electrical, plumbing & handyman service. No job too small, old or new work
724-468-1147 P11/18-11/24/25

DARYL BRIWN Roofing, siding, soffit, fascia, gutters, decks, etc. Free estimates, very reasonable prices. Also hauling, clean-ups
724-757-5698 P11/18-11/24/25