March 28, 1990 Its time for the census. How many people are living in your house? Most of us can count to ten, that should cover it. Right? Wrong. My first clue that this is not as simple as counting to ten came with the realization that there are two forms, a long and a…
All posts in Boring Word Archive
The Boring Word About Raking Leaves
March 21, 1990 When I told my kids last week I was attending a meeting on how to recycle leaves they looked at me as if I had lost my mind. I had to explain that some families actually rake their leaves, bag them and put them out for the garbage man. To my sons,…
The Boring Word About Laments of a Grandmother
March 7, 1990 It has been sometime since I’ve written this column so I guess I should bring our longtime readers up to date. We are now proud grandparents. Our daughter and son-in-law have given us a grandson and now a granddaughter to spoil and pamper. I have waited for this day a long time…
The Boring Word About Doing A Little Time
July 25, 1988 I know my work can often lead to some interesting if not downright complicated situations. Take the time I took 100 preschoolers to the zoo. Or the days I have risked life and limb to get a shot of a football pass. But I never thought I would end up in jail.…
The Boring Word About Keep On Movin’
May 4, 1988 Wade and I have been married 25 years this June and in that time we have moved only once and that was three months into our marriage from my parents’ home to the home where we still live. We had very little then and I wouldn’t even call the event “moving”. However…
The Boring Word About Just a Plain Brown Wrapper Please!
April 20, 1988 When plastic bags were introduced in grocery and department stores I thought they were a neat idea. That was when the majority of stores still used plain brown paper bags. Now that a brown bag is becoming a rarity I am beginning to value the few that are left. I know plastic…
The Boring Word About Easter Spring Forward
March 30, 1988 I know I haven’t written this column is some time. But this week, as it slowly dawned on me that the world in general and the government in particular is conspiring to do me in, I just had to raise my voice in protest. In case you have not heard it is…
The Boring Word About Pet Peeves
April 22, 1987 I can remember one year in high school being assigned to write about a pet peeve. At the time I had a hard time coming up with one, now I could probably fill a good size book, such as: Ketchup bottles that refuse to spill forth their contents. Medicine tablets packaged in…
The Boring Word About Organize!
April 8, 1987 “Know Where Everyone Is, and When They Will Return”, “Week by Week Control of All Your Projects For Up To One Year”. These are the promises in a catalog that crossed my desk recently. All of this can be done with the use of magnetic charts and felt tip pens according to…
The Boring Word about Spring Forward
April 1, 1987 If you couldn’t figure out how to change the time on your digital clock in the car last fall (I have an aunt in this predicament) everything will be set right this weekend. It’s that time: although a little earlier than previous years, when you will hear yourself saying to your kids…