The Penn-Franklin News welcomes news from all local organizations and residents to be submitted for publication. Articles can announce an event, report on a past event, or tell about a personal event, such as a wedding, anniversary or new arrival. Managing editor of the Penn-Franklin News is Georgia Boring.
We ask that all submissions contain the name and phone number of a contact person so that we can clarify information or follow-up on a story. The Penn-Franklin News reserves the right to edit articles for clarity and space. Space limitations may delay or prevent the printing of any submitted articles.
To submit an article to the Penn-Franklin News, you can mail it to:
News Department
Penn-Franklin News
4021 Old William Penn Highway
Murrysville, PA 15668
or you can fax the article to: 724-325-4591
or you e-mail the article to: news at When emailing articles, it is best to paste the article directly into the email document.
or you can drop the article off at our office: click here for directions. Even if the office is not open, a drop box is available beside the front door for submissions.